From the creator of Kyle's Quest comes an all-new epic game! A real-time strategy game for the PalmPilot in a space setting. You must build starports and construction facilities to survive
in the void. Minerals must be mined to finance your increasing fleet and expand your territory. But while the expanse of space is huge, you are not alone...



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October 7, 2000
WindowsCE v2.2 has been released, fixing the mining bug and PocketPC issues
October 4, 2000
Bugfix for PalmOS, at higher speed settings it would skip levels when a mission is completed, or sometimes crash. Reports same version number though. PalmPC fix is still on its way, by the end of the week.
September 25, 2000
GR v2.2 for PalmOS is out, with the variable speed option and some bug fixes. The next CE version will be along shortly, when the PocketPC issues are finally solved. Don't worry, I'm also still working on the level editor, but it will still be awhile...
August 14, 2000
GR v2.1 for WindowsCE is done!
August 9, 2000
GR v2.0 for WindowsCE/95 is out! I took the time to put in a variable speed option, you can make it go as fast or slow as you want. Enjoy!
August 7, 2000
I spent the last few days tracking down a nasty rare bug that would crash PalmOS, v2.1 is the bugfix. The WinCE versions are on their way...
August 3, 2000
Sorry, my mistake... A last minute bug brought the speed way down. Also changed is the save game option, now the saved game when you exit and load from the title is entirely separate from the options screen. Please download the game again if you got it last night.
August 2, 2000
GR 2.0 for PalmOS is out. Lots of bug fixes, new levels, included FAQ, more features. Hopefully this is what you were waiting for. The WinCE version will be out in a few days.
July 26, 2000
A new grayscale Palm version is out. The cool menu bars are gone, but it should be nice and quick. You can also now find out info about any unit.
July 24, 2000
The grayscale Palm version is here at last...
July 18, 2000
The Palm IIIc version of GR 1.9 has been released, but with the added bonus of mine and tech upgrades, and a better first level. Grayscale version should be out tomorrow...
July 17, 2000
Oops! The resources for the WinCE versions were not compiled properly, please download the game again. Why no Palm version yet? Believe it or not, programming for grayscale and color Palm is worse than all the different CE platforms...
July 15, 2000
GR 1.9 has been released for winCE and win95, with fullscreen and color support for CE, as well as the cool new interface. It is the full registered version because I need you guys to test it out and tell me if everything works okay. Take a look at all the platforms I had to support and you can get an idea of the headaches I had. Coming in a few days will be the real 2.0 release with the new ship designs and more levels. The color and grayscale Palm version is also on its way, please be patient.
July 4, 2000
Unfortunately GR has been delayed again, it's just taking longer to get the business up and running than I though it would. We are working fulltime now, and the final release date is July 15th!
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